Ready to be more productive and have some fun?
Join The Savvy Senior Connections Movement!
A Senior-centered membership organization specializing in enriching the quality of life for 55+ active Seniors by partnering with the community to Link Seniors and Services together to build meaningful relationships and to educate Seniors and their caregivers on informative resources on Advocacy, Community services, Education, and Social engagement opportunities in various fun and engaging locations throughout the Hampton Roads area.
Below is a brief list of benefits you start to gain by becoming a member
- Senior Law Day
- Volunteer Services
- Birthday Celebrations
- YouDoYOU Speakers Forum
- Savvy Senior of the Quarter Award
Savvy Senior Connections offers a chance to contribute to the community while being more productive, free, and happy
What We Do
College Days
Personal/Professional Development
About Our Facilitator of FUN
Fun, engaging activities for seniors.
Uniting partners to provide advocacy, community services, education, and social engagement opportunities for Seniors
Networking opportunities for all members to engage with community members and other Seniors

Founder and CEO,
Valerie Cason Williamston
Valerie, a native of Virginia Beach, Va. with over 30-years of experience as an Educational leader and Creative Event Planner., founded Savvy Senior Connections on March 13, 2022, as an effort to reduce the stress of isolation and loneliness and provide fun and creative ways to keep Seniors socially connected! She has served as a Volunteer Benefits Counselor for Senior Services of Southeastern Va.,Member of the Norfolk Mayor’s Commission on Aging and Long-Term Care. Currently, she hold certificates in Mindfulness and Dementia-Capable Training. She is the Vice-Chair of the VB TRIAD/Salt Team(Seniors and Law Enforcement Together), and a member of the Norfolk Task Force on Aging. Her goal is to facilitate fun and inspire Seniors to Keep On…Aging Out Loud with respect, purpose, and choice!